Part 1
Mario uses Yoshi to benefit only himself and does not care for Yoshi, but acts like his friend.
Jim is on both sides of the knife. He is betrayed by Abbad, while betraying his wife.
Everyone has two sides: the fake outside, and the true inside.
The girl acts as if she is faithful, but is actually having relations with another guy.
Part 2
Abbad was stereotyped as an evil terrorist. The situation is more complex. Abbad’s home was destroyed. Although what he did was evil, he isn’t pure evil. He was angry. Abbad narrows his view about Americans as all arrogant and evil. He thought about himself and not the people on the plane or ground in downtown Chicago.
Jim temporarily empathized with Abbad, which created trust between them. Jim trusted that Abbad would not live up to the stereotype, but he betrayed Jim to get revenge for his country.
Part 3
-Brody felt strongly connected to his country, the United States, but he felt betrayed by them when the VP sent a missile down on a city that was innocent other than a terrorist that may or may not have been there. The missile killed 82 children and in the midst of them was a child that Brody befriended while held captive in Iraq. Brody held the burden of others’ actions by attempting to kill himself along with the VP through a suicide bombing. He felt that this actions was justice.
-Jim was betrayed by Abbad and as a result, held the burden of Abbad’s actions by killing himself. Because Jim felt that he betrayed his country by teaching a terrorist how to fly a plane, he killed himself, which is what he thought was the only fair thing to do.
-This relates to how hate brings more hate and how peoples’ stories are extremely complicated. There is no pure good or evil, for there is always multiple sides of a story. Like Brody in the confession tape, Jim had been through a tough life, which ultimately affected his relationships and point of view.