Photo Essay: CH 19, 20, & 21

Izza Anwar

'Zits Flight'

This artwork represents Zits journey throughout the book. The clock in the thought cloud represents his time travels. The spiral also represents him constantly falling through time. 

'Understanding Time'

The more negative symbols are at the bottom of the clock, with darker coloring because they are Zit's dark time of life; things such as constantly ending up in  jail and the bank shooting.  As Zit learns and experiences things for himself he begins to understand where the hate is coming from, so the the colors get slightly lighter. He saves bow boy and finds a picture of himself in his father's wallet. These are closer to the top because they were better for him.

'Zit Free Michael'

Zit revels that his real name is Michael. The reason it is written on the top of the clock is because that's the best version of Zit throughout the whole book. It is his true self without the hate. The arrows next to his name are pointing clockwise.  They represent that Michael is going forward in time and forward in life.